In addition to performance management and investment in learning and education, regular talent reviews can show the organization's investment in employees. Human resource reviews aren't just the top 10% of the organization. It should be performed for all important roles. In doing so, it demonstrates investment in healthcare professionals, showing a clear and intentional path to sustainment and a commitment to professional development. This result will help identify top performers, help identify poor performers, train them, coach or trade, and identify potential successors.
Other contributors to excess healthcare workers are complications caused by excess policies and procedures, which add to the already troublesome management burden. “It's about doing us to ourselves,” Douglas said. “Most healthcare organizations have too many policies, too many rules, and overburden staff with cross-checks and alerts.”
Leading US healthcare systems and Grant Thornton clients have implemented new solutions to streamline policy and procedural management systems. Over the course of a year, the Healthcare Systems Policy Monitoring Committee has eliminated more than 2,000 documents across the system by eliminating duplicate documents, excessive documents created by conflicting system policies, and documents that are no longer relevant. I was able to retire from.
Streamlining policies also had more direct benefits for employees. Reducing the number of policies allowed employees to free up employees to spend more time with patients.
The key to successful policy reduction programs was to celebrate the wisdom of our teammates closest to patients and care consumers. “They know where the waste is. When the administration is trying to do it, or even try to manage at a mid-level level, they fail,” Douglas added.
Staff burnout remains an industry concern
According to American research and industry research and industry trends, each of the aforementioned issues and challenges has actively contributed to the worsening mental and emotional well-being and burnout among healthcare workers.
Healthcare provider burnout spiked during the Covid-19 pandemic, peaking in 2021 when around 62.8% of doctors reported experiencing at least one symptom of burnout. Recent data show a decline in these rates, with 48.2% of doctors reporting burnout symptoms in 2023, down from 53% in 2022. Points higher than all other industries surveyed.
However, despite this improvement since the pandemic, current burnout remains higher than pre-pandemic figures. In 2019, before the pandemic, doctors had 41.9% burnout. Similarly, a 2022 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 46% of healthcare workers were burning out frequently or very frequently, compared to 32% in 2018. I understand.
These statistics suggest that although there has been some recovery, burnout among healthcare providers remains a major concern.