New reports have stated that the Alaska healthcare industry has a tremendous need for new workers because of demand, constant sales, and rapid growth of employees retirement.
“To satisfy these variables, you need to find more than 9,400 healthcare professionals every year,” said Jared Kosin, an executive director of Alaska Hospital and the Healthcare Association.
Kosin, who presented information to the Ancalage Chamber of Commerce, featured the labor status as a good newsbad news story.
“I say,” Hey, we have these opportunities. We are now open work! ” Assignment: We are now open work! He said in a presentation. “We can't fill all these work, so it's one of our biggest issues is very nice and very day -seeing.”
Koshin announced in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Council's Room was a newly released analysis of his association's Alaska Healthcare Labor. Juno's report with Rain Coast Data was the latest in a series of annual labor research entrusted by the association.
This report quantified the healthcare industry's economic weight.
According to the report, the largest employer in the state, more than 44,000 workers, account for 11 % of Alaska's work. According to the report, their total wages of $ 3.4 billion were 13 % of the paid earned in the state. According to Kosin, wages after 2016 were 47 %, significantly exceeding the growth of about 26 % of the whole state. He pointed out that the growth of wages was probably affected by the miserable needs created by COVID-19 pandemic.
With the growing demand for health care, Koshin stated in a presentation, the largest single need for registered nurse. One of more than 9,400 new workers required for Alaska every year, 1,400 new registered nurses are new registered nurse.

At this time, the workforce report, especially for those who have been educated in Alaska, the supply of new nurses and other medical workers is not approaching the demand.
The expected 346 new registered nurses are scheduled to be trained in Alaska this year, and this year is planned to be less than one -quarter of the new nurse needed by the state. Alaska's newly trained nursing assistance is only half the necessary total. According to the report, only 11 new Alaska training, accredited medical assistant, is expected this year, and it is expected that only a small part of 755 will be needed.
Among other metrics, Koshin said that the aging population of Alaska, reflected in the decline in labor age residents, also affects medical workers' needs.
He said that there would be a decisive shift to the long -term and home services that the elderly needed for the elderly, with the remarkable care of the traditional hospitals.
Koshin said that there is already a mismatch between available facilities, service and necessary long -term care. One of the seven hospital beds is currently being used by patients who have no need to be hospitalized due to the survey by members of the association, but do not need to go for continuous care in the long term. It became clear that there was.
He said that these extensions were within the range of 30 to 6 months, which would cost more than 43,000, which is known as “avoidable days”.
“So you have these people who don't have to be there, but they are in the most expensive care environment,” he said. At one point, he said that insurance, med care, or medicade refund would no longer cover the cost.
Modification: This article was updated to reflect the fact that the report was created by Juneau's raincoast data.
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