The TEDX story forces speakers to crystallize the story and attract attention includes a heavily vetted application process for over 3,000 events in 170 countries.
The TEDX event is organized independently by Ted licensed communities and focuses on sharing ideas in that area. For Dave Chase, co-founder and CEO of Health Rosetta, his speech hopes benefits brokers and advisors can actually do something about the costs of healthcare.
Read more: How Ted Talks can help you improve your advice strategy
“When you see people who have driven real change at all levels, whether local or global, they can tell a compelling story very well,” says Chase. “It corresponds to great reliability in their realm of influence,” he said.

His tedx story chase
In a January 2017 TEDX talk, “Healthcare stole the American Dream – here's how we can get it back,” Chase called to address expectations about what we can do in space. “In my view, our industry has a low expectations of tyranny,” he says.
Chase spoke about Ted in Sun Valley, Idaho. There he used to live there. He recalls that he had practiced about 50 to 100 and nailed what had become an 11 minutes and 44 seconds lecture, and nine months later he ended up publishing a book on the topic.
Read more: To reduce healthcare costs, deal with chronic conditions
“You're trying to fall into a vivid time that's understandable for ordinary people,” says Chase. “It's a nerve wave, as you might imagine. Wait, wait, try to manage your nerves, then guide that energy.”
Like other Ted speakers, Chase was deeply motivated by his message. “Every community has a strong river of healthcare money that flows through it, and the source of that river of money is the pockets of employees and their organization,” he explains. “What we're trying to do is for that river of money to function like a water cycle that updates, recovers and improves communities, as opposed to a corporate pipeline that extracts that money and creates drought in that community.”