Now that Andrew Cuomo is running for mayor, local Republicans in Congress have made clear whether the then-GOV fatal Covid-19 nursing order violated federal guidelines. Health Secretary Robert Kennedy should obey.
Rep. Mike Lawler hopes for the answer as a result of “reckless instructions” that forced “inappropriate nursing facilities” on behalf of the family where an elderly loved one had died.
The virus has killed 15,000 people and ran into the wild in nursing homes.
To write whether the March 25, 2020 directive ignored the federal policy that former GOV claims he is following is Kennedy (Cuomo's former brothers and brothers, little world, isn't that so?).
Last year, a House Subcommittee report concluded that Cuomo's order “will definitely be inconsistent” with federal guidance by omitting important, common-sense precautions along the line “please do not let vulnerable people in infectious people.”
Cuomo does not own this important error.
Heck, even when a reporter asked him last week that he would do something different as governor if he could go back in time, he only offered “added more police to the MTA.”
Let's straighten the recordset because his fellow Democrats can't cover him.
Put Cuomo accountable for something.