The European Commission has launched an action plan to strengthen Cyber Security at EU Hospital, and has dealt with the rise of cyber threats through prevention, detection, and supported initiative. The urgency of this initiative is emphasized by the amazing statistics of 2023. There, we reported 309 important cyber security cases where member states affect medical sector. The officially announced action plan on January 15 is to increase healthcare system vulnerabilities in digital landscapes as part of the main priority issues published in the political guidelines of President Fondelleyen. I am.
Comprehensive protective framework
The action plan is expanded beyond the hospital alone, including the entire medical ecosystem, such as clinics, nursing facilities, and a wider medical supply chain, and affects pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical device industries. The important new requirements based on the plan are obliged to report ransomware payments to the authorities, mark the deviation from existing NIS2 command requirements, and plan to implement the fourth quarter of 2025. Masu.
At the center of this initiative is to establish a Cyber Security Support Center in the Pan -Europe by ENISA, an EU institution for cyber security. This center provides training to tailored guidance, tools, services, and medical providers. In addition, this plan includes the development of a guideline for the management of the cloud -based patient data system and the development of procurement guidelines to support the formation of European health CISOS networks.
The action plan will be gradually implemented in the next two years due to important developments such as the early warning services for the entire EU by 2026. The European Commission will work closely with member countries to improve proposals, leading to the fourth recommendation. The quarter of 2025. This shared approach includes the establishment of a healthy cyber security advertisory board to guide the support center implementation.