Medication errors at an Aberdeen home care service “could have had serious consequences”, inspectors have found.
The Care Inspectorate has ordered Cornerstone Aberdeen South, which provides care services for adults with learning disabilities, to make immediate improvements.
The inspection report found staff did not understand their responsibilities when helping patients with their medication, which led to potential problems.
Cornerstone said measures had since been taken to meet the Care Regulatory Authority’s requirements.
The incident report was also criticised during the August visit.
It emerged that the recent incident should have been reported to the police immediately but was only reported a day later.
Cornerstone South Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire branch manager Aidan Severino said increased training and support was being put in place for staff handling the medication.
He added: “The Care Inspectorate is currently carrying out a follow-up visit and although we have not yet received their formal feedback we are confident that we meet all of these requirements.”
Stronger incident investigation and reporting protocols have also been implemented.